Talk Room

Guest Book

BTL Forum

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A Little Suggestion

Let's do this, if you are a new visitor of BTL, go straight to the Guest Book and sign it, and then take a loot at the Forum...

Warning! If you do not have a picture of yourself, it does not mean you cannot be listed in the list below. Send the request to be listed!

Name Photo Email home page IM Other means of contacts, and other information
Naugolniy Alexey -
Krivoschapov Sergey F. - In 1990, I finished school number 7, left Bila Tserkva in 1994. I'd be happy to hear from friends who were left behind, classmates, and I would like to talk with anyone from B.Ts.
Poddubnaya Irina -
Uzarsky Alexey -
Deveikin Andrey - In 1990, I finished school number 12, I was teaching computer courses. I would like to hear from my students, and friends!
Tanya (Delfin) -
Vladislav (Even) - - Finished school N18 in 1990 and left in same year
??? - -
Cherkashin Sergey - - - I was born and lived in Bila Tserkva for a while. Studied at school ¹12. In 1995, I left the town, friends and classmates, write me
Bahlakov Roman - - Finished school #4 - 11 G in 1990. Looking for classmates and particularly Sorokin Dimka
Tarachanskiy Aleksey -  
Pylaev Sergey - Born and lived in Bila Tserkva up to '92, from '81 to '83 studied  in school #18, then from '83 to '91 in school #7. Lived on 45 Schorsa Str. I would be happy to hear from you

About Talk Room

This part of the BTL-site is for  the communication of its visitors, as well as for the feedback to the creators.

A description of the major two additions to this part of BTL that has been made:
Bila Tserkva Linkpage Forum All the messages that you want to see a reply to, please post in the forum. Everything you would like to talk about, on top of that, you've got to post here too, since there are other visitors who would like to take place in the discussions as well. No need to remind that the subject of BTL is about Bila Tserkva as far as communication is concerned
Visitors' Gallery visitors' profile (photographs, e-mail addresses, web-page URLs, mailing address, etc.)

Do not forget about the Guest Book!

Send your personal data for including you in Visitors' Gallery via email.

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